What You Need to Know About Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is often misdiagnosed, or the many different bacterial strains that can cause it go over looked. Vague symptoms, especially neurological, can be caused by Lyme. It attacks your immune system and can be debilitating.

Much can be done to treat this disease. Labs values alone are not a diagnostic determinant of Chronic Lyme- due to the many phases the spirochete bacteria goes through during it’s life cycle.

It is important to treat the organism, not just the organ(s) being affected. This is the only way sustained healing can be achieved.

Fact: only 50% of the people diagnosed with Lyme actually recall a tick bite, or present with a bullseye rash.

Fact: people that have chronic Lyme tend to harbor multiple other infections due to a compromised immune system.

Fact: when suffering from an autoimmune that leaves one chronically fatigued, it is necessary to be screened for Lyme by someone with experience in treating it.  Lyme will not always show up on the conventional Western Blot lab test, screening for specific toxin markers, and conducting a comprehensive neurological assessment is the best way to determine if someone is in fact infected.

Conclusion: Unfortunately westernized medicine is not up to speed on much of what Functional Medicine practices regarding this infectious disease.

Someone that has been struggling with debilitating fatigue for sometime, has a diagnosis of MS/other neurodegenerative disease, or any energy zapping autoimmune should be screened by a reputable provider that knows how to best screen and treat a chronic infection.

If you suspect you have Lyme, or struggle with any of the symptoms, I welcome the opportunity to work with you on recovering your health. I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme in 2010, and I am here to say that healing is possible!!! Functional medicine helped me achieve it.

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